Need A Covid-19 Test?

Contact our partners today for Covid-19 testing

7916 Oakland Dr, Portage, MI

  • Drive thru testing
  • Appointments available

5585 Gull Road, Kalamazoo, MI

  • Drive thru testing
  • Appointment required

757 S US Highway 131, Three Rivers, MI

  • Drive thru testing
  • Appointment required

Interested in Covid-19 testing for your organization?

We are here to help!

Covid-19 Testing

Genemarkers is performing real-time PCR testing using Thermo Fisher Scientific’s TaqPath Covid-19 Kit for detection of the COVID-19 virus caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection.

  • PCR-based tests detect live virus in symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. These individuals are contagious and can infect others.
  • A positive PCR result confirms the patient has COVID-19 as opposed to other conditions with similar symptoms such as the flu, the common cold and allergies.
  • A person who tests positive with a PCR-based test should be re-tested when symptoms resolve to confirm they are no longer carrying live virus; therefore, they are not contagious.

Genemarkers is using the Thermo Fisher Scientific TaqPath® Covid-19 Kit for detection of the COVID-19 virus. This kit has Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) clearance from the Federal Drug Administration (FDA; 1,2). Genemarkers validation included analysis of clinical control samples provided by the State of Michigan Department of Health Laboratory. There was a 100% concordance in validation for all 30 samples tested. Analytical parameters tested in Genemarkers validation protocol were aligned with the Thermo Fisher kit expectations. The kit is highly sensitive with respect to analytical sensitivity; if viral RNA is present in the sample, it is very likely to be detected. However, either due to sampling error or the biology of the disease (e.g. virus present in lower but not upper respiratory tract), there have been known cases of patients with negative RT-PCR results who later were RT-PCR positive. The frequency of this (i.e. the clinical sensitivity) has not yet been determined. In published literature, one case series of 51 patients showed a sensitivity of RT-PCR of 71% from the first throat swab or sputum. 23% of those initial negatives were positive on the 2nd RT-PCR, 4% on the 3rd, and 2% on the 4th RT-PCR test (3). Another study conducting serial RT-PCR testing showed the mean time from an initial negative RT-PCR to subsequent positive RT-PCR was 5.1 days (± 1.5 days; 4).

The assays were mapped to 185 complete SARS-CoV-2 genomes of human host in GenBank and GISAID databases as of March 5, 2020. Primer and probes sequences for SARS-CoV-2 ORF1ab, S gene, and N gene assays had 100% homology to all SARS-CoV-2 isolates analyzed, with one exception. EPI_ISL_407084 (Beta Coronavirus/Japan/AI/I-004/2020) showed a mismatch at position 7 from the 5’ end of the reverse primer (23 nucleotide length) corresponding to 95.6% homology. The mismatch is located at the 5’end of the primer and does not affect the test performance. In silico analysis indicates that significant amplification of non-target sequences that result in cross-reactivity or potentially interfere with detection of SARS-CoV-2 is not likely to occur. Included in the analysis were the common Coronavirus strains 229E, OC43, HKU1, and NL63 (2).

Genemarkers offers testing programs for employer groups and organizations.

Genemarkers offers testing programs for employer groups and organizations.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for reopening and maintaining safe business practices include testing, contact tracing, cleaning and hygiene protocols. Diagnostic testing is important for identifying symptomatic or asymptomatic individuals who may be contagious. Testing provides a way to limit contact of sick and at-risk individuals.

  • Employers

  • Community Organizations

  • Health Care Providers

  • Long-term Care Facilities

  • Campuses/Schools/Athletics


Results will be available through our secure electronic portal within 24 to 48 hours of receiving the sample at the laboratory.

Anterior Nasal Mid Turbinate and Nasopharyngeal

Yes, Genemarkers is currently working with multiple pharmacy networks to offer testing to employer groups and organizations.

In most cases, the test is reimbursed by insurance; copays and deductibles may apply. The cash price for the test is $125*

*Sample collection fees may apply

This is something that we are currently in the process of being able to offer soon!